Tuesday, March 26, 2019

National Nutrition Month: 4 Foods to Stay Away for a Healthy Smile

We are proud to serve our Long Beach community and see so many smiles and families grow and shine. What sets us apart from other pediatric dental specialist and orthodontists in our community is the opportunity to meet all your child’s dental needs under one roof!

Patients who undergo orthodontic treatment are able to have their orthodontic wires removed for dental cleanings and then have their braces adjusted during the same visit by the orthodontist. This service enables you to make fewer visits to the dentist during your child’s orthodontic treatment by having all the care in one office.

This month, is National Nutrition Month and while there are many healthy foods that serve our body and smile well, there are various foods that we should steer clear from. They can harm our enamel, disrupt our orthodontic treatment and can negatively impact our smile, by causing bacteria and cavities.

1. Sports Drinks - Sports Drinks are notorious for having so much sugar, even if they are labeled “natural” or “healthy.” “The bacteria get energy from the sugar, but in the process produce acid. The acid they make can damage teeth, causing cavities to form or erosion to occur,” according to American Dental Association.

2. Lemon / Acidic Foods -  Our enamel is stronger than our bones, which means it has an important role in keeping our tooth safe. Limit your acidic food intake as it can erode the enamel.

3. Sticky Foods - Stay away from sticky foods if you have braces. However if you are just enjoying a snack, sticky foods may not be the route to go towards. Sticky foods remain on our teeth longer, thus contributing to bacteria and cavities, especially if it is filled with sugar.

4. Crunchy Foods (Chips) - Everyone's go to snack is more often than not something crunchy such as chips. This is a food to stay away from for your smile, especially if you just received braces. Chips get stuck on our teeth and crunchy foods in general can damage our teeth.

There are various foods that can benefit our smile and teeth, it is just important to be mindful of our nutrition and what goes into our mouth. You can find more foods that are appealing, but not recommended during orthodontic treatment specifically on our website.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

National Nutrition Month - 3 Healthy Foods for Your Teeth

dental kids blog

March is National Nutrition Month and a perfect opportunity to showcase foods that help our teeth remain healthy and our smile in tip top shape. While we know the health benefits of eating healthy, the foods we consume on a daily basis, also greatly affect our teeth.

Dairy - Dairy is healthy in various ways, such as yogurt, milk and cheese. The calcium help our teeth remain strong and healthy.

Lean Protein -  Foods rich in protein such as meat, poultry and fish help to strengthen your teeth and contribute to your overall health in your body. Be sure to floss after every meal or at least once a day.

Nuts - Nuts are delicious and greatly benefit our teeth. Various types of nuts contain protein and minerals. Several nuts are low in carbohydrates don’t add to your risk of cavities and help avoid tooth decay. If you are going to snack on a snack, nuts are a safe bet. 

Of course, if you have braces or in the middle of an orthodontic treatment, avoid nuts and hard foods alike.

Bonus Tip: 

You brush your teeth twice a day, follow a great routine of flossing regularly and visit the dentist, but did you know that rinsing with fluoride, a mineral that helps prevent cavities and tooth decay, also helps keep your teeth healthy and strong? Water, especially if it is fluoridated water, is the best beverage for maintaining your oral health.

We proudly serve our Long Beach community and have seen many children's smiles blossom and shine. Seeing an orthodontist at an early age allows us to determine how and when a child's particular jaw and/or dental problems should be corrected, if they need to be.

Check out some of our patient’s beautiful smiles. Contact us to set up an appointment or if you have any additional questions.