Tuesday, May 2, 2017

What Is The Difference Between A Dentist And Pediatric Dentist?

Pediatric Dental Specialist in Long Beach is not your typical dentist office. Our pediatric dentists specialize in the unique needs of each child. Just like taking your child to the pediatrician for healthcare, pediatric dentists complete two to three years of specialty training in children’s teeth after dental school.

At Pediatric Dental Specialists, our doctors and staff are highly trained to:
  1. Teach your child proper oral hygiene habits 
  2. Help with the effects from thumb sucking and pacifier use 
  3. Identify spacing issues early on that may need orthodontic treatment later 
And much, much more!

At Pediatric Dental Specialists, we set the foundation of your child’s oral and overall health from a young age. It’s our goal to provide early, preventative dental care for your child to ensure a healthy smile that lasts well into adulthood. For more information about Pediatric Dental Specialists in Long Beach, give us a call at 562-377-1375 or click here to visit our website.

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