Monday, January 5, 2009

What to Expect on Your First Dental Visit to Our Long Beach Dentistry

We strive to make your child's first dental visit an enjoyable one. Young children receive a personalized storybook in which their name appears throughout the story. Our intention in providing this book is to help make your child more familiar and comfortable with our dental office. The storybook contains the doctor's as well as staff member's names. Perhaps the most exciting part of this book is the back page that has a place for our signatures, stickers and the picture of your child’s first visit with us.

So, when should your child's first dental visit be? The American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommend infants be seen shortly after the first tooth erupts or no later than their first birthday. This first visit will help establish a dental home for your child.

The earlier you start the better chance we have to prevent any potential problems. In addition to checking for decay and other problems, our staff will teach you how to properly clean your child's teeth, identify your child's fluoride needs and offer you helpful advice that will help your child build a lifetime of good dental habits.

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